A new hazard for our Particular Risk Analyses: Interference to RA operations can affect:
1. Autoland functions: This is particularly critical in low visibility auto approach like Cat II or III conditions. Pilots cannot conduct CAT II and III approaches if RA is malfunctioning.
2. EICAS/ECAM: Nuisance warning after take-off or during approach which will distract crew from their tasks at hand. This will lead to deterioration of operational safety levels.
3. False or missing GPWS alert: Anywhere in proximity to ground, this could inhibit some functionalities of the TAWS (Terrain Alerting Warning System) reactive modes which would remove a safety net in case against CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain). Additional distractions for crews from tasks at hand, – “too low gear” and “too low flaps”, “don’t sink”,” terrain and pull up warning” and other alerts. A big concern is GPWS not triggering an alert when it should have done so, because of interference which can result in CFIT event!
4. Unreliable instrument Indications: This could contribute to an increased number of hard landings because of errors in automatic altitude indications and voice announcements.
5. Abnormal behaviours in Automatic Flight Systems:
a. Autoland system
b. Flight Control Laws (e.g. failure to transition to Flare law resulting in a higher than expected pitch on the flare; Retard function, etc.)
c. Auto-throttle automatic stall protection.
d. Auto Speedbrake deployment

For information, see:
ICAO Problem Statement.
US 5G roll out ignores concerns for Air Transport safety

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